You can use the contact form to send a general question on SMS911 to the Oregon Public Education Network 911. However, you can also contact local 911 services if you have questions about the area.
The following 911 agencies in Oregon and southwest Washington now have the ability to receive text messages.
Local 911 Agencies involved in Text-to-911
Astoria 911
Contact: , Executive Director
Phone: 503-298-2550
Bureau of Emergency Communications (BOEC)
Contact: , Community Outreach & Public Education
Phone: 503-823-8817
Contact: , Communications Manager
Phone: 503-722-6708
Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency (CRESA)
Contact: , Operations Manager
Phone: 360-787-3651
Columbia 911
Contact: , Executive Director
Phone: 503-308-2090
Deschutes County 911 Service District
Contact: Steve Reinke, Director
Phone: 541-322-6101
Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon
Phone: 541-774-5061
Lake Oswego (LOCOM)
Contact: , Communications Manager
Phone: 503-635-0252
Marion Emergency Telecommunications (METCOM)
Contact: , Executive Director
Phone: 503-982-2344
Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency (WCCCA)
Contact: , Performance Manager
Phone: 503-690-4911, ext 209
Willamette Valley Communication Center (WVCC)
Contact: Tony Collins, Operations Manager
Phone: 503-763-3330
State Agencies Involved in Text-to-911
Oregon Emergency Management (OEM)
Website Page:
Contact: |
Phone: 503-378-3930 | 503-871-8689
Washington Emergency Management Division (WA EMD)
Website Page: